What is the N-Cog?
Newton-Cog’s idea is the realization of the true lifting against gravity.
N-Cog is a multiple Bidirectional barbed PDO, specially designed to make up for the weakness of existing threads preventing skin dimpling, protrusion, and breakage of thread inside the skin tissue.
The unique design of N-Cog prevents skin dimpling and protrusion after the thread treatment by even distribution of the force. Its efficient desing lifts up the entire treatment area through an appropriate procedure established by precise studies and research in which its effect was proven through multiple clinical trials.
01. Safe and Simple
○ Side effect free (no thread dimpling after the treatment)
○ Completely biodegradable by hydrolysis
○ Ceftification: KFDA, CE, KGMP, ISO etc
02. Minimal invasive Surgery, Non-Surgical Lifting
No incision, minimal infection risk
03. Lifts up the entire treatment area evenly
Prevention of skin dimpling along the thread with the special cog design
04. Persistent Effect
Maintenance of the thread inside the skin for 6-8 months
05. Regenerating Effect
Increase if the growth factors: EGF, FGF, IGF, TGF, VEGF
06. Multi-directional Cog Effect
Multi-directional cogs distribute the force of a thread evenly