Skin Rejuvenation to make use of absorbable PDO thread in regenerative medicine


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Written by
Jung-Hyun Yoon : Sang-Seop Kim, Dae-Il Kim, N-Finders Co. Ltd.,




when my hospital opened in 2004, I took interest in laser therapies and aesthetics and have been thinking of ways to satisfy customers ever-changing preferences  about aesthetics since then, the aesthetic tools and lasers back when the hospital first opened were very primitive compared to  those of now, of 2012. the focus of initial aesthetic and laser procedures was pigmented lesions. as I performed on patients who wanted brighter and cleaner skin tones via laser and peeling procedures to improve the sin tone, skin texture, and pigmented lesions, I could see that the wants of patients whose skin tones and pigments has been improved shifted to skin elasticity and lifting Therefore in order to improve pores and wrinkles at the same time , I vegan using MTS and fractional lasers and also RF tool and RF+Diode composite tools for elasticity and lifting. I performed happy

lifting using APTOS threads and Easy lifting using contour threads. The expectation was that procedures involving these cog threads will bring significant lifting effects by allowing the cogs of the threads to support the tissues so as to prevent them from drooping and that the effects will be lasting, as the threads do not biodegradable. On the contrary, the surgical effect lasted one year and the immediate effect began decreasing after one month. Moreover, because the threads did not biodegradable, there was concern that facial areas where threads had been inserted and those not may reveal differences over tine as the patient aged. In the midst of these concerns I incidentally came across a procedure employing polydioxanone, and began implementing this in the hope that it may be my solution.



Part 1 Introduction

Chapter 01 – History of Thread Lifting

Chapter 02 – RE: The Principles and Mechanisms of Skin Rejuvenation/Lifting Procedures.

Chapter 03 – RE: Histological Opinions on Skin Rejuvenation/Lifting Procedures

[Gathered from Animal Experiments]

Part 2 Itemized Discussions

Chapter 04 – RE: anesthetic methods in Skin Rejuvenation/Lifting Procedures

Chapter 05 – Facial RE: Skin Rejuvenation/Lifting Procedural Methods

Chapter 06 – RE: Complications Associated with RE: Skin Rejuvenation/Lifting and Solutions


[Author introduction]

Jung-Hyun Yun

Graduated from Yonsei University, General Director of Eunpyeong-gu Doctors’ Association

Senior Academic Director of Korean Association of Dermatology and Trichology

General Academic Director of The Korean Association of Aesthetics and the Well-Being

Lutronic Key Doctor & Speaker

Hwa in Maek Key Doctor & Speaker

N-Finders, Inc. Key Doctor & Speaker

Representative Director of Yonsei Fam’s Dermatology, Obesity, and Aesthetics Network.


Sang-Sup Kim

Graduated from Yonsei University

Served as intern and resident at the Seoul National University Hospital

Received master’s degree from Soul University Graduate School

Received specialist certificate in professional occupational and environmental medicine

Served as army surgeon in the Aeromedical Center

Director of Cheongdamme Clinic, Academic Director at The Korean Association of Aesthetics and the Well-Being


Dae-il Kim

Graduated from Yonsei University

Specialist in urology

Director of Yunsei Fam’s Clinic

Academic Director of The Korean Association of Aesthetics and Well-Being

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