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Written by
Plastic Surgeon. M.D., Ph. D. Gi Woong, Hong, Plastic Surgeon. M.D., M.B.A. Yong Woo, Lee



Growing old is a natural phenomenon, however everyone wants to avoid to get wrinkles or to have drooping face. Several procedures and surgeries have been conducted since the past to improve this phenomenon, and as our knowledge of facial aging increases, the methods of them have made a lot of development

Knowing that the fat of the face is not sagging by a single mass, the concept of each fat compartment had risen. It also turned out that not only the soft tissues outside but also the bones and the retaining ligaments inside change together.

The term “Lifting” is commonly used in a variety of procedures and surgeries, which ranges from lifting with botulinum toxin, filler and various devices to more complex thread lifting and surgical facial lift. Among them, thread lifting has been used a lot in recent years and because there are various types of threads and methods for procedures, it is quite confusing to choose the best thread or most suitable method.  Also, because all the companies are actively elaborating their own threads only with their benefits, it is not easy to assess the quality and effectiveness of threads from an objective perspective.

This book explores the anatomical considerations of each area of the face for thread lifting in detail and introduces the most effective and practical method for it. Moreover, the concepts of basic thread lifting and the characteristics of different types of threads are also introduced so that they could be applied to the methods of procedures implemented by cach physician, Finally, possible side effects after thread lifting are also dealt in the book including both how to avoid and also to solve them

The authors had been studying anatomy through fresh cadaver in Korea and abroad, steadily examining which facial layer the thread should actually be put in, and how the procedures should be to be effective and also to maintain longer. Based on these data, we want to discuss the meaning and usefulness of thread lifting from the most objective point of view.

This book is composed of six chapters. In the first chapter, the background of the beginning of thread lifting and the several methods for lifting typically used in Korea, including the method of thread lifting, are described. In second, there are classification and each characteristics of several types of threads for lifting. The action mechanism of thread lifting and anatomical considerations for it are described in chapter third and fourth, respectively. Moreover, the methods of thread lifting for each facial part which is devoting to the real practice based on the anatomical nature are presented in chapter 5. Lastly, in chapter 6, the side effects of thread lifting are mentioned

Finally, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Young-Jin Lee, Manager of MDworld, Soo-Hyun Choi, Director of N-Finders Co., Ltd and Kyung-Jun Lee who is the head of N-Finders Co., Ltd for helping the book to be published. I would also like to thank every ICALA executives who helped studying donated cadavers and facial anatomy together.

  1. 04. Gi Woong Hong, Yong Woo Lee



Chapter 01


  1. Beginning and Background of Thread Lifting
  2. Minimally Invasive Lifting Procedures Performed in korea

Chapter 02

Development History of Thread Lifting

  1. Classification of Lifting Threads
  2. Beginning of PDO Monofilament Thread Lifting
  • Beginning of PDO Barbed Threads for Lifting
  1. Effects and Goals of PDO Barbed Thread Lifting
  2. Basic Classification of PDO Barbed Threads : U-Shaped and I-Shaped Barbed Threads
  3. Introduction of the Latest Lifting Threads
  • reversed Trapezoidal PDO Barved Thread(N-Fix)
  • Elastic Band(Elasticum)
  • Cone Mixed Type Thread(silhouette Soft)

Chapter 03

Action Nechanism of PDO Thread Lifting

  • Physical Effect
  • Reinforcement Effect
  • Scaffold Effect
  • Transmissin Blocking Effect of Muscle Movement
  • Lifting Effect
  • Histological Effect
  • Influencing Factor on Outcomes of Procedure
  • Strand Type
  • Anchoring Type
  • Depth of Thread
  • Liposuction
  • Procedures Possible to be Used in Combination

Chapter 04

Considerations for PDO Thread Lifting

  1. Considerations for Counseling Before and After the Procedure

Il. Overall Anatomical Considerations

  • Vessels
  • Nerves
  • Retaining Ligaments
  • Fat Compartments
  • Space
  • Salivary Glands (Parotid and Submandibular Gland)

Ill. Clinical Difference of U-shaped and I-shaped Barbed Thread Lifting

  1. Anatomical Considerations for Safe PDO Barbed Thread Lifting
  2. Recent Advances in PDO Barbed Thread Lifting
  • Adhesion Points for Barbed Thread Lifting
  • SMAS Repositioning Technique

Chapter 05

Procedural Method of PDO Thread Lifting by Target Site


  1. Eyebrow Lifting and Procedures for Forehead and Frown Lines
  • Anatomical Considerations
  • Procedural Design and Technique
  1. Lateral Face Lifting
  2. Temporal Hairline Lifting
  • Anatomical Considerations
  • Procedural Design and Technique
  1. Lateral and Buccal Cheek Lifting
  • General Considerations
  • Anatomical Considerations
  • Procedural Design and Technique of Lateral Cheek Lifting
  • Procedural Design and Technique of Buccal Cheek Lifting
  1. Mandible Border Line Lifting
  • Anatomical Considerations
  • Procedural Design and Technique

Chapter 05

  • Anterior Face Lifting
  1. Anterior Malar Lifting and Procedures for Crow’s Feet and infraorbital Lines
  • Anatomical Considerations
  • Procedural Design and Technique
  1. Nasolabial Fold Lifting
  • Anatomical Considerations
  • Procedural Design and Technique
  1. Marionette Line and Jowl Lifting
  • Anatomical Considerations
  • Procedural Design and Technique
  1. Double Chin Lifting
  2. Anatomical Considerations
  3. Procedural Design and Precaution
  4. Correction of Fine Wrinkles
  5. Forehead Wrinkles
  6. Periorbital Lines (Crow’s Feet)
  7. Perioral Lines (Smoker’s Line) and Marionette Lines
  8. Neck Lines
  9. Volumizing Effect of Threads

Chapter 06

Overall Adverse Events of Thread Lifting and Its Management

  1. Common Conplications
  2. Hematoma and Bruising
  3. Swelling
  4. Dimpling
  5. Motor and Sensory Disorder
  6. Pain
  7. Relapse
  8. Unusual Complications
  9. Infection
  10. Protrusion of Thread
  11. Penetrating Salivary Gland




[Author introduction]

Gi Woong Hong M.D.,Ph. D. 

  • Board-certified Plastic Surgeon
  • President of SAMSKIN Plastic Surgery Clinic
  • Clinical Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Chung-Ang University Medical Center
  • Member of The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Member of The Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  • Member of Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
  • Member of Korean Society for Microsurgery
  • Member of Korean Association of Stem Cell Therapy
  • Scientific Committee of Korean Association of Minimal Invasive Plastic Surgery
  • Advisory Board Member of Galderma Korea
  • Advisory Board Member of Merz Korea
  • Advisory Board Member of Chong Kun Dang Pharm.
  • Advisory Board Member of N-FINDERS
  • Advisory Board Member of Hugel
  • Restylane Filler Global Key Doctor
  • President of ICALA (International Clinical Aesthetic Leaders Academy)


Yong Woo Lee M.D., M.B.A. 

  • Board-certified Plastic Surgeon
  • President of LIKE Plastic Surgery Clinic
  • Clinical Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery. Han-yang University Medical Center
  • Member of The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Member of The Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  • Committee of Korean Association of Minimally Invasive Plastic Surgery
  • Advisory Board Member of Hugel
  • Advisory Board Member of Galderma Korea
  • Advisory Board Member of Medytox
  • Advisory Board Member of N-FINDERS
  • Advisory Board Member of Sthepharm
  • Scientific Committee of ICALA (International Clinical Aesthetic Leaders Academy)

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